Tiles: Distinctive and patterned symbols that are integral to the navigational apparatus of the Jorid. Each Tile carries a unique energetic frequency that corresponds to a specific aspect of consciousness or direction. When engaged with purpose, Tiles enable navigators to focus their intent, harmonize with desired vibrational states, and traverse through the dimensional strata of the multiverse. They are catalysts for synchronicity and clarity, ensuring aligned travel within the vast interplay of existence.
The Tiles, as part of the Jorid’s navigational system, act akin to a compass and map, translating the will of the traveler into the motion through the cosmos, akin to setting coordinates in a conventional navigational device, yet encompassing an array of existential and spiritual pathways.
Tiles represent symbolic portals and instruments of intentionality, transcribed into the language of cosmic geometry. These interdimensional symbols serve as energetic signatures, imbued with distinct vibrational patterns that facilitate guided movement and conscious exploration across realms.