- Function: Connect us with our natural self. Conceptualization inner sense.
- Families: Milumet
- First appearance: November 2008
Archives: Tiles
- Function: Energy magnet, attraction, act of receiving.
- Families: All families
- First appearance: November 2008
- Function: Incorporate a sense of wonder
- Families: Milumet
- First appearance: November 2008
- Function: Experience of the source essence, and of all the other focuses of attention; assists in merging with other focuses
- Families: Sumafi
- First appearance: November 2008
- Function: Assembling different elements of reality, Making things fit together, Intersection of all dimensions.
- Families: Sumafi, Sumari, Ilda
- First appearance: November 2008
- Notes : This tile exist in different colors and is made of 4 mobile parts that can be combined to make different combinations of tones. This is connected to links of consciousness. First appearance in the reality-play: Circle of Eights, Stories # 1068
- Function: Restructuration of physical reality
- Families: Zuli or Vold; depending on the focus
- First appearance: November 2008
- Notes: May be used in association with shape-shifting (Zuli), change of social structures (Vold)…
- Function: Facilitates a gentle approach when lightness is required
- Families: Borledim
- First appearance: November 2008
- Function: Similar to a dowsing rod, allows to focus the intent in searching, finding and aligning with the most resonant outcome
- Families: All families
- First appearance: October 2008
- Note: this tile is associated to the Zyndre a mythical creature whose talent shines in finding things, and it acts as a counterpart of the diapason tile
- Function: Stabilization, anchoring of chosen probabilities within time-space realities
- Families: All families
- First appearance: September 2008
- Note: associated to this other tile
- Function: Jorid focus on Alienor.
- Variation: of the Alienor doorway (1) and the compass (2) tiles
- First appearance: July 2008
- Type: Guiding device
- Function: Probability vision, focus on Regional Area 2
- Families: All families
- First appearance: July 2008
Variations :
- Function: Vision of the probabilities, with focus on the most fulfilling ones
- Families: Borledim
- First appearance: July 2008
- Function: Sensory “vision”, through the physical senses and other prisms of perception
- Families: Zuli
- First appearance: July 2008
- Function: Vision of potentials as they are inserted through time
- Families: Gramada
- First appearance: July 2008
- Function: Exploration of the linear time flow, allows for a clear focus on the Now and its prevalence
- Families: All families
- First appearance: July 2008
- Ref. [E#2594]