The Guardians are an enigmatic race from an ancient and technologically advanced civilization with a profound ability to manipulate their reality. Residing primarily in the Alienor planet systems, particularly the Phrëal, the Guardians possess similarities to Dream Walkers, demonstrating adeptness in morphing environments within their dimension. Despite their dwindling numbers, their knowledge persists, concentrated among select individuals.
The Guardians’ ability to reshape reality hinges on shared intent, with the potential for collaboration or conflict in their manifestations. Their societal structure lacks hierarchy, emphasizing communal upbringing for younglings without traditional parental roles.
In the lore of Duane, the Guardians inspire awe and myth, often associated with legendary events and artifacts like the Fudjàhs. Major Guardian figures such as Vogel and Nah’Rom are intertwined with significant occurrences, contributing to a complex mythology.
During the phasing of Phrëal, some Guardians opt to remain, leading to the emergence of new races: Dragons and Nirguals. These beings represent energetic rearrangements of Guardian essence, tethered to specific dimensions. Their existence underscores the intricate interplay between consciousness and the fabric of reality, adding layers to the Guardians’ legacy in the universe.