
Åsgurdy (also spelt ”Asgurdy”) is a continent of islands of various size found on the Eastern part of the Duane, separated by the Western Continents by the Great Rift that makes it very difficult to be crossed by traditional means.

For ages, communication between the continents was made possible by the usage of traveling portals. After the disappearance of the Guardians, the usage of the portals was concealed (when they were not destroyed) and Asgurdy became separated from the other parts of the Duane.

A harsh country of mountainous rocky peaks blown by violent winds, the climate is a contrast of freezing colds and scorching heat at the same time.

Asgurdians are proud people, with a harsh appearance to match the climate of their land. They are a civilization of great mariners, with a strong distaste for all things “magic” or surnatural. Though their faith is not in that of the Gods as the rest of the Duane, it is quite close to a skeptical animism.

Åsgurdy, Asgurdy
Categories: Location
Tags: duane
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